The color of Easter is PURPLE!

No, I wont play any April Fool's jokes today. Its Holy Thursday for our Christian friends, and our esteemed member ( and my CPA! ) Jimmy Hughes lost his mother in law Phyllis Tomm this week. Our thoughts are with Jim and Karen.

The wake will be on Saturday, April 3, at the John O. Roth Funeral Home in Tonawanda from 2-4 and again from 7-9 pm. Mass will be held on Monday, April 5th at the Church of the Good Shepard in Pendleton at 10:00 am.

The "Good News" is that it is indeed "Resurrection Weekend", so Phyllis will be in Great company!

There is NO meeting tommorrow. 

If you havent yet seen the new Lobsterfest ad,  good job Jeff, Ed and crew! I've included the ad in today's E-Clarion.

Also please email Ed with the count of any LobsterFest lawn signs you may still have possession of - TODAY!   

The RYLA slots are still open until May, only the early deadline has passed. Please keep this in mind. I've reached out to one Clarence family ( many of you know the family), to see if her 19 yr old son might be interested.

All for now. A Blessed Easter Weekend for all you celebrants, and a wonderful SUMMER weekend to all!

Yours in Rotary,
